I have to admit retirement cakes stump me. Finding a cake that represents that time, effort, and incredible impact a person has had at their career is difficult. So I will say I turned to my new friend Pinterest. After searching several retirement cake designs I combined several ideas to come up with this cake. Since we were planning for 200 I had lots of opportunity to express what I needed to, but I also had to remember it was likely much of administration would be there so nothing too funny. So in my mind I planned out the perfect cake, hoping I would come close to what I saw in my minds eye.

In the end the three teir off white cake was made with three two layer butter cakes. The writing on the front, "Linda the end is just a new beginning" was done in pure white to let it stand out from the base off white. A green ribbon and floating clovers helped accent the cake. As far as the lady of honor, well she cut her cake and shared it with the masses there to honor her and celebrate her special moment. She enjoyed the cake and there was just a bit left for her (and anyone else) to take home to remember this special event.