Scooby Scooby Doo, where are you? Not too long ago he was making a special appearance for a young man's birthday party. How he got there is a neat story.
Often I take photos of the cakes I make to my office, or sometimes the cakes themselves go there so people can come by and pick them up. On such an occasion I was showing photos and one of the people who work in the building was talking about his grandson who loves Scooby Doo and was wondering if I could make a Scooby cake. Well I sent him to the blog and he found and printed the Scooby cake (which if you know him that was a great feat managing the Internet that way because it is not he favorite thing to do). Next thing I knew he came in and needed a Scooby cake. Now I do not want to be gender discriminatory but most times when I start asking men questions they have no idea what is involved in ordering a cake. Question number one is what flavor and he just looked at me like most men who do not realize cakes come in different flavors. He said he would have to ask. I asked how many the cake would need to feed, he looked at me again. So I wrote down my questions and he laughed and wen to make his phone call to the woman who could answer the questions. A couple days later he was back and we worked it all out.
On the official day of the cake I brought the finished product in to him and he asked if I had someplace safe to keep it. I put it on a back table and every 15 minutes or so he would come in and check on it to make sure it was okay. I have never had such security for a cake. When the little boys mother arrived to pick up the cake I understand she was pleased as well. Later reports say the cake was a hit, and did not last long so I would say everyone enjoyed this Scooby Snack.