Imagine having a child with a favorite college. Now imagine that child's sibling likes the rival school and their birthdays are about a week apart. Can make the birthday bash interesting. So when a friend of mine came to me and asked me to design a University of North Carolina Cake for her nephew I did actually hesitate. As many know I am a University of Virginia fan and my father and I often told people that I am in North Carolina doing missionary work converting Tar heels into Cavaliers. So the decision to do this cake was difficult. But this friend is wonderful and her nephews are pretty neat in their own right so I agreed to do this.
I ordered a UNC cake pan. My issue with this (beside the school) is that it is a silicone pan and I am not big on silicone pans. Also, one could argue that it is healthier because you coat this pan with cooking spray rather than shortening and flour but I am concerned that cakes tend to dry out more. None the less, the cake was baked and decorated in traditional UNC colors. A little Happy Birthday message was added. The birthday boy seemed very happy to have possibly his future college, represented at his party.