Saturday, January 9, 2010

Oh Oh...Oreo?????

I have ever told you how much I enjoy the people I work with? This cake is thanks in part to them. For Christmas my mother ordered a sandwich cookie cake pan. The neat thing about this pan is that it is very detailed on the top and bottom cookies and then the icing goes in the middle. Takes no time to decorate. The present was back ordered and arrived after Christmas at my office. So I could not help but share my good fortune with my co-workers who suggested maybe I should start testing cakes with them. After all I would not want to sell a bogus cake (see how selfless my co-workers are?). So over the weekend I baked the cake which was a dense chocolate cake with butter cream icing in the center. How bad can it be for you, after all the entire project involved three sticks of butter. I consider it health because I used unsalted butter for this one. I believe one of my testers said she was going to spend the evening in a diabetic coma after eating a slice. A few testers from the health department came by to get sodas and I offered them some. They seemed quite taken with it. I think the official cookie cake will now be part of the cake menu.

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