Monday, July 5, 2010

Patriotic Salute

The Fourth of July makes one think of picnics, apple pie, hot dogs and the red white and blue. So of course when a friend said they would be hosting a traditional hot dog and hamburger cook out for their staff to celebrate the fourth I offered to supply the red, white, and blue. I could do this is a variety of ways, I could supply a flag, a jello mold with strawberries, blueberries and whipped topping or with a cake. Guess what I did?

I combined several of the ideas to make the holiday cake happen. I baked a golden butter cake, one layer in a waving flag cake pan. With a 16 star tip I decorated the red and white strips all the way across, and blue background for the stars which were size 18 white stars. The cake was devoured and the flag did not wave after this event. That's okay, it is much better for this flag to be eaten rather than burned.

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