Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's a Fancy Nancy Christmas

Christmas time is one of my favorite times of the year. So when my the children's librarian asked if I could make a cake for the Fancy Nancy Christmas Party I was honored and confused. I must admit I am not up on my children's literature (actually if it is Winnie the Pooh I can fill you in on the details). Fancy Nancy, I found out thanks to a quick Internet search, is one of the hottest characters around. She is the main character for a series of books and everything she comes into contact with suddenly much fancier. When I got to the library (later than planed...thanks to a lake detour in my kitchen-fixed thanks to my talented adopted McLean family) there were still about 30 very fancy children with crowns, necklaces, and other fancy accessories. So I brought in the Christmas Tree Cake. Instead of a star on top I made a crown-just to make it fancy. I also replaced red ornaments with pink, because it seemed to be a fundamental necessity for a Fancy Nancy cake. It took mere moments to cut the cake and divide up among the fanciest of guests. As a special reward I was given the opportunity to pull the ticket for a Fancy Nancy basket. It seems as if it was a sweet day for all involved.

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