Thursday, November 26, 2009

Racing to the Birthday

I know I keep saying this but I can't help it. I LOVE the people I work with. About a week ago I got a call from a very polite nice young lady whose name I should have known but could not place until she said, "I'm Christy's daughter." Oh boy did I know who she was. If you read this blog much you have read about Christy and have probably seen Amanda's graduation cake that Christy designed and I tried to incorporate into cake.

Anyhow I digress. Amanda asked if I could make a race car cake for a friends son and make the number of the car 7 since the little boy was crazy about racing. Race cars are fairly easy for me (and I have done several) so I figured yup let's go for it. Amanda even had a sample car for me to follow the color scheme. I was so excited!

I made a butter cake and got to decorating. The car had a blue roof, hood and trunk while the rest was white. I put it on a checkerboard flag background and voila. Our birthday boy's name is Hunter and where else would you put a name on a race car but on the hood.

When I got the cake to the office, photos were flying to and from cell phones and shortly before noon I got to meet our orderer in person. I must say it was a little like meeting a celebrity because I have heard so much about her (and even seen her in a commercial for Lumbee Guarantee Banks). She seemed very pleased with the cake and I hope Hunter is as well and has an unforgettable seventh birthday.

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